SB HOTELS consolidates its offer for virtual and hybrid events in Barcelona

By | 4 December, 2020 | 0 comments



Aware of the organisation that events currently require, at SB HOTELS we offer the possibility of holding virtual and hybrid events so that our clients continue working with all the guarantees of success while enjoying the services of our hotels. Online meetings, virtual product presentations, congresses and hybrid conferences…are a reality at SB Hotels.

At the request of our clients and depending on their needs, we put the most advanced technology from the hand of specialised partners at their disposal, as well as the best options for spaces and tailor-made services for each occasion.


Advanced technology

There are many technological solutions available in the market for virtual and hybrid events. Therefore, SB Hotels advises its clients on all the available possibilities that best suit their event:


  • Recordings and broadcast retransmissions from both sets
  • Endless engagement options for participants (holographs, augmented reality, chats, voting and 3D surveys, etc.)
  • Creation of tailored audio-visual content (wallpapers, personalised microsites, etc.)


Categories: events, hotel

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